Jaipur Music Festival Logo
  • Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and charm to life and to everything.

    - Plato
  • After food, Clothes and shelter, music is the fourth great material want of mankind.    

    - Christian NestellBovee
  • Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.     

    - Ludwing van Beethovan
  • Music is spiritual. It has the power to bring people together.   

    - Edgar Winter
  • There is nothing like music to relieve the soul and uplift it

    - Mickey Hart
  • The world’s most famous and popular language is music

    - Psy

About Us

The Organizers

International Music, Art and Culture Council (IMACC)
The International Art, Culture, Heritage, Music and Dance Foundation

The International Art, Culture, Heritage, Music and Dance Foundation is a registered organization, established under The Indian Public Trusts Act, 1882 and registered with The Government of Rajasthan under The Rajasthan Registration Act, 1908 and The Rajasthan Stamp Act, 1998. 


The International Art, Culture, Heritage, Music and Dance Foundation believes that the works of art, cultural values, heritage treasure, music and dances are the most precious gifts to mankind from the Almighty and are not only the things to take pride in but also the vital need of life for the whole of the world and humanity.


The International Art, Culture, Heritage, Music and Dance Foundation believes that the works of art, cultural values, heritage treasure, music and dances are the most precious gifts to mankind from the Almighty and are not only the things to take pride in but also the vital need of life for the whole of the world and humanity.


The International Art, Culture, Heritage, Music and Dance Foundation believes that the works of art, cultural values, heritage treasure, music and dances are the most precious gifts to mankind from the Almighty and are not only the things to take pride in but also the vital need of life for the whole of the world and humanity.

Board Of Trustees & Management

Hari Har Sharma
Hari Har Sharma
Founder & Chairman
Gaurav Sharma
Gaurav Sharma
Managing Director
Bharti Sharma
Bharti Sharma
Chief Executive Officer